Sunday, July 25, 2010

Clean and green “Kapu Beach”

Beaches on the western coastal line of India are a visual treat. The beach at Kapu or Kaup is one such beach where one can enjoy the sea at its best along with the lush greenery surrounding the beach. Kapu beach is very famous with localities as well as tourist, through out the year. The beach is clean with golden sand and crystal clear water.

The town of Kapu is in the Udupi district in the state of Karnataka. It is situated about 12 kms from the main Udupi City and 45 kms from Mangalore. Kapu is easily accessible by road. Buses ply on regular basis from Udupi and Mangalore to Kapu. One has to get down at the main Kapu bus stand and take an auto rickshaw. The fare is around 50 bucks one-way. The beach is relatively empty on week days and moderately crowded during weekends. During weekends, people come with family and friends to enjoy the serenity of the vast Arabian Sea. The waves breaking on the sands and the rocks are a treat to watch. There are many food joints along the beach which serve good cuisines. Try the local fish and crab dishes, they are simply amazing.

People visit the beach for the mystic sunrise and sunset which adds a new dimension to the whole experience. Taking a walk here is an experience in itself. Just stroll lazily along the beach and admire the beauty of nature.

Situated on one end of the beach is the famous Kapu Lighthouse. The light house was built in 1901 and is well maintained by the authorities. For a very nominal fee, one can visit the light house. The view of the Arabian Sea from the top of the light house is anything but breath taking.

Sometimes, the afternoons on the beach can get a bit hot so carry your head gear, a sun screen lotion and sun glasses along when visiting the beach. Though one can visit the beach anytime of the year but the rainy season is the best time to visit. The greenery along the beach with coconut plantations and the rough sea will mesmerize your senses.

So take a stroll at the Kapu Beach and rejuvenate your mind and your body and enjoy the bliss.

1 comment:

  1. Kapu is one of my favorite near Udupi... serene palm fringed beach...

